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miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Who decided for you?

Agradezco especialmente a trysha el hecho de molestarse en leer mis canciones, ya que es la única que comenta lo que escribo. Se lo agradezco también a los que leen y no comentan, por molestarse en hacerlo. Espero que os guste.

Who decided for you?
Who had the power of ignore what you wanted
Who is the one that never warns?
Who decides how life works?
When you’re there I wanna be alone
Now you’ve gone I wanna feel your love,
Ironies of life,
While walking the street
Your absence gives in me
I wonder if you could be there
I wish I could take your hand
And ask you to stay here
I wish I were you to know you are OK
With no need you know I’m there
Who decided for you?
Who had the power of ignore what you wanted
Who is the one that never warns?
Who decides how life works?
I suppose I have nothing left to do
Life is not controlled by me
I just wish there is a reason for all
I wonder whether you hear or not
I just wonder…
Who decided for you?
Who had the power of ignore what you wanted
Who is the one that never warns?
Who decides how life works?

1 comentario:

  1. Mr.X simplemente logras conmoverme y que me sienta identificada, ¿quien decidió?...
    cuando estas aquí quiero estar sola, cuando te has ido quiero sentir tu amor... hombre me conoces??
    Un besote me encanta.
